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Biden Forces Far-Left Sex Policy On Government Agencies

Following reports that the GAO had outlawed the use of binary gender pronouns, the Biden administration came under fire. What specifics are there? According to a leaked internal...

Biden Admits He Is Defeated On Debt Ceiling

Leaders of the Democratic Party have pushed their colleagues to vote "yes" while acknowledging certain defeats in the debt limit discussions. Former House Majority Leader...

Hillary Clinton Sides With Conservatives About Dianne Feinstein

When we last left you with Feinstein, her predicament was taking an unsightly turn between Democrats and the media, with the additional, hitherto unreported...

DOJ Makes A Mysterious Move In “White Supremacy” Case

This week outside the White House grounds, a U-Haul struck a barrier. After a Nazi flag was purportedly recovered following the collision, it was...

Top Democrat Makes A Mockery Of The Senate Dress Code

Senator John Fetterman (D-PA) won his election in November, took office as a senator, then six weeks later admitted himself to a hospital for...

Former White House Insider Says 2024 Won’t Go As Republicans Expect

According to K.T. McFarland, a former deputy national security adviser, the federal deep state is going to rig the 2024 presidential election similarly to...

Far-Left Terrorists Threaten “Street Justice” If Biden Doesn’t Do What They Want

The president's negotiations with House Republicans to reduce government spending while raising the debt limit alarmed the radical left. The administration worked with House Speaker...

Democrats Have A New Idea For Housing Migrants–And You Will Hate It

As border crossers and illegal immigrants continue to arrive everyday, two Democrats are encouraging New York's colleges and universities to convert their student residence...

Biden Supporters Are Evaporating On All Fronts

As he gets ready to start his reelection campaign in 2024, President Biden is dealing with declining public approval ratings in a variety of...

Blue-States Stunned By New Census–They Won’t Survive This

According to recently published United States Census Bureau statistics, New York City lost approximately 500,000 inhabitants in only two years. Less than 8.4 million people...