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Exposed: Democrats Cheat So They Can Steal YOUR Money

California's most pressing problems are the state's extreme homelessness and its incapacity to force mentally ill homeless persons to follow treatment regimens, which include...

“Anger And Anxiety” – Biden Team Reveals Inside Drama

Following Trump's departure from office, Joe Biden boasts that he restored America's status in the world and had the greatest economic record in history....

Exposed: Biden Bribes Team To Hide His Secrets?

Joe Biden's claim that he had no knowledge of how the sensitive information ended up in his home and office is one of the...

Democrats Want To Give $500 Per Month To…

Democrats in Minnesota want to transfer public funds to anybody who claims to be in need, including undocumented immigrants, through a universal basic income...

Red-States Prepare Justice For Blue-State Groomers

In response to Maine's extreme transgender protection bill, which would let child trafficking over state lines and into Maine, where kids would get legal...

China Stunned, New Bill Cancels Cell-Phone Commies

This week, the House passed a bill that would prohibit TikTok from operating if it stays under the ownership of its Chinese parent firm. Voting...

Trump 2024 Unstoppable! Donald Now Unleashed

In the Georgia election meddling case, Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee dropped six counts on Wednesday, three of which were against the...

Trump Proven RIGHT – Dems Lied And We Have PROOF

According to a witness, then-President Donald Trump had not grappled with a private service agent and had in fact asked for troops to guard...

SCOTUS Betrays America: Texas Forced To Go Far-Left

Texas had reached its breaking point with Biden's open border policies and the planned Texas Senate Bill 4, which would have given the state...

Dictatorship Incoming? Hollywood Goes Nuts To Stop Trump

In a recent interview on "Real Time with Bill Maher," Robert DeNiro spoke about the "nightmare" prospect of a real "dictatorship" if former President...